Stop the ‘Erosion’ of Your Bones…

Finally, A Breakthrough Nutrient For Maximum Calcium Absorption and Stronger Bones (And It’s Not Just Vitamin K2 and D3...)!
She danced and did weight-bearing exercises a few times a week.

She drank at least one cup of milk every day.

She also took calcium citrate supplements everyday.

Just like the doctor ordered.

Meet Karen.

Karen is 62 years old, a retired ballet dancer who did everything right.

But Something Went Wrong
A few years ago, her son gave her a bear hug that broke three of her ribs.

The doctors then took a bone density scan, which came back with a shocking prognosis.
That despite her exercising and taking calcium religiously, her bones were actually brittle and weak.

And the bone density scan revealed that she has osteoporosis.

If only she knew about the breakthrough nutrient that the Swiss researchers discovered and a fermentation process that dramatically boosts calcium absorption into your body…
Hi, I’m Laura Lindsey, the
Chief Nutritionist
of Holistic Health Labs
Like Karen, many of our readers suffer from thinning bones and bone diseases like osteoporosis, osteopenia, and bone fractures.

These are severe or chronic conditions that put 54 million Americans at risk of falling and breaking a bone.

Whether you have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis or low bone density…

Or you have just broken a bone, or is somewhere in between…
If You Feel Like A Prisoner Of Your Chronic And Agonizing Pain
If you are worried about thinning bones and breaking them when you fall...

And if you are concerned about the severe, long-term, and possibly debilitating side effects of the drugs you have been taking…

In a matter of minutes, I’m going to reveal to you a little-known natural nutrient that dramatically boosts the absorption of calcium into your bones that is much more effective than normal calcium supplements.

But before I do…

I need to talk about the
that’s keeping you, your family, or dear friend from being free from needless suffering NOW.

The big lie is that NOT having enough calcium is the main cause of osteopenia, osteoporosis, brittle bones, and fractured hips…

and they can only be treated with calcium supplements or drugs and medications that have dangerous side effects to your body.

These lies are propagated all over mainstream media…

From the dairy products commercials to calcium supplements,

Their commercial message is clear: “We need calcium for stronger bones”.

We are blindly led to believe that calcium prevents osteoporosis.

And their solution is to just simply take more calcium.

The truth is, taking excessive calcium supplements has its long term side effects which I’ll be talking about later on…

But Most Importantly, It Doesn’t Address The Root Cause of Weak Bones
In fact, Dr. Amy Lanou, a senior nutrition scientist for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, D.C., states that:
The countries with the highest rates of osteoporosis are the ones where people drink the most milk and have the most calcium in their diets. The connection between calcium consumption and bone health is actually very weak, and the connection between dairy consumption and bone health is almost nonexistent.

-Dr. Amy Lanou
In countries with the highest dairy consumption such as Norway, Sweden, and the United States, the number of hip fractures is 50 times greater than countries like New Guinea and South Africa, which have extremely low consumption of dairy and other animal products.

In Another Study On African Bantu Women
Researchers found that these women only consume 350 mg of calcium per day.

They bear nine children during their lifetime and breastfeed them for two years.

They never have calcium deficiency, seldom break a bone, and rarely lose a tooth…

How can they do that with only 350 mg of calcium a day when the National Dairy Council’s recommendation is 1200 mg per day?
At The Other End Of The Scale Are The Native Eskimos
If osteoporosis were a calcium deficiency disease, it would be unheard of among these people.

The Native Eskimos have the highest dietary calcium intake of any people in the world – more than 2000 mg. a day from fish bones.

Their protein consumption is also the highest in the world – 250 to 400 grams a day.

Yet the native Eskimos have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world.

So If Calcium Is Not The Answer to Preventing Osteoporosis, What Is The Key to Building Strong Bones?
You see, nature has its way of building and strengthening your bones.

And this bone regeneration process continues even when we are in our senior years!

But this is not because of the calcium we consume.

Think of it as building a house, where both a builder and a demolisher are needed.

Let’s call the builder Bob, and the demolisher Claude.

So Bob takes the bricks, which are essentially calcium, from the blood and puts it in the bone.

On the other hand, Claude carves away the interior of the bones and releases the calcium into the blood for other purposes.

As you can see, both Bob and Claude work hand in hand to take down old bones and form new bones.

The calcium just serves as the bricks to lay the house.

Bob is known as osteoblasts, which are essentially bone cells that build new bones.

Claude, on the other hand, is known as osteoclasts, which are bone cells that break down old bone tissue.

If you don’t have sufficient osteoblasts, the calcium is just lying around in your blood, and is not being used to build the new bones.

That is why it doesn’t matter how much calcium you have if you don’t have enough osteoblasts cells!
That Is Also Why Children Don’t Have Osteoporosis

Most kids have high levels of osteoblasts, especially when they are undergoing growth spurts.

For us though, the number of osteoblasts declines as we age...

Decreasing osteoblast cells means that we don’t have enough builders to fill in the calcium in our bones.

And the calcium content in our bones declines over time.

Our bones lose their strength and density.

And turn hollow and empty.

Even if you consume calcium supplements religiously, if there are insufficient osteoblast cells,

You’ll still suffer from brittle and fragile bones.

I’m sure you don’t want to experience that…

So what can you do to heal your bones and ensure that you have sufficient osteoblast cells and that calcium is being used to build your bones?

Hundreds of medical case studies and research papers have revealed why some people manage to live their entire lives without bone fractures, osteopenia, osteoporosis, or even low bone density…

Scientists were shocked to discover a natural compound that can activate your osteoblast cells, and hence, increase the bone building activities in your bones.

You’ve probably heard of this compound before.
It’s Called Resveratrol
Resveratrol is a natural polyphenol found in the skin of red grapes and wine. And it is well known to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in your body.

But what makes it really interesting is the recent breakthrough research scientists have discovered.

Like its ability to …

Boost sirtuin levels, a protein that helps activate osteoblast cells.

Reduce the inflammation that decreases bone density.

Stimulate bone formation and mineralisation.

Inhibit osteoclast activities and prevent erosion of calcium in your bones.

Now that you know the miraculous power of resveratrol, you’re probably thinking,

“Great! All I need to do is to drink red wine or get some resveratrol supplements!”

I WISH it was that simple.

You see, when resveratrol was first released, there was a lot of hype around it.

It was featured in the Oprah Winfrey show with Dr Oz.

He called it a “longevity” compound that can help you live longer.

But unfortunately, this has led to a lot of scammers creating FAKE or low quality resveratrol supplements…

You may have even seen their ads…

Let me tell you, you absolutely DO NOT want resveratrol supplements made by unproven manufacturers using a cheaper source.

You may think that resveratrol is extracted from wine or grapes.
The problem with this method of extraction is it takes in contaminants,

such as heavy metals, from the soil…

One of these contaminants is a plant chemical, emodin, which is suspected to cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Besides these poor extraction methods,

Some fly-by-night resveratrol suppliers included additional synthetic resveratrol into the manufacturing process, which means that only 50% of the final product contains ‘real’ resveratrol…

If you take poor quality resveratrol, you might as well be eating sawdust.

Not only does it add toxins to your body, it also does nothing for your bones!

That is why after investigating more than hundreds of sources of resveratrol, 1 specific top quality source stands out on my list.

It is the world’s most potent source of resveratrol extracted from a unique and patented fermentation from yeast, producing resveratrol with more than 98% purity - the highest you can get.

And Here’s Where It Gets Interesting

In a study, after 16 weeks of supplementation with Veri-Te™ resveratrol,

BOTH the plasma levels of bone metabolism biomarkers and the bone mineral density of the lumbar spine of the participants improved

when compared to the placebo group.

In another study, 4-week supplementation with Veri-te™ resveratrol

elevated the plasma levels of BAP enzymes, which means an increase in the number of bone-forming osteoblast cells.

As you can see, Veri-te™ resveratrol is a unique, one of a kind, natural nutrient that helps you build stronger bones by activating osteoblast cells.

And that’s not all...

After activating the osteoblast cells,
The Next Thing You Want to be Concerned of Is The Type of Calcium You Take
As I mentioned earlier, the problem with the regular calcium supplements like calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate or calcium citrate is that they are made from marble and limestone.

Calcium carbonate is often contaminated with lead - yes, even those supplements on the chemist and supermarket shelves - and it is also poorly absorbed by your body.

Calcium phosphate is very poorly absorbed as well, and will often create irritation in the gut.

Although calcium citrate may be touted as a “better calcium supplement” without the other issues of irritation and contamination, it is still a synthetic calcium from rock that clogs up in your arteries.

On top of that, a recent meta-analysis published in the British Medical Journal showed that calcium supplementation actually increases the risk of heart attacks.

Now, instead of taking calcium from rocks and stones, the best source of calcium comes from a red mineral marine algae that grows in the cold Atlantic waters off the southwest coast of Ireland and the northwest coast of Iceland.

They transform the inorganic minerals into organic minerals, rendering them suitable for you to consume compared to calcium from rocks.

Another reason why calcium from Lithothamnion calcareum is more superior is because of the high porous structure of the algae, which provides a larger acting surface and contributes to better calcium absorption.

That is why the calcium only goes where it’s required.

It won’t deposit in your arteries, kidneys or other soft tissues.

So when you combine both Veri-te™ resveratrol with Lithothamnion Calcareum, you are providing your bones with both the builder (osteoblasts) and the bricks (calcium).
This allows you to build stronger bones and reduce your risk of fractures.

However, to get both these ingredients into ONE affordable solution is no easy task.

There’s a reason you won’t find this in your local health store alongside all the other cheap pretenders.
But You See, I Have A Secret Weapon...
Our team at Holistic Health Labs works with a small manufacturer flexible enough to meet my exacting demands. They’re GMP compliant, FDA registered and located in Georgia, in the United States.

And this time, I think they’ve created their best work.

A resveratrol PLUS calcium formula that can help you build stronger bones and allow you to heal from bone fractures, osteopenia, and even osteoporosis.

My manufacturer fulfilled my three main demands for maximum calcium absorption and bone building…

1. I wanted only the most potent resveratrol with 98% purity so it can work its magic on your bones.

2. The Lithothamnion calcareum will need to be organic so that it does not interfere with your bone building process.

3. And it had to be UPGRADED with an absorption booster that doubles the absorption of resveratrol in your small intestines...

Now, finally, YOU can get the highest quality bone health formula along with the highest possible potency without any side effects.

However, my small manufacturer has a limited supply of inventory right now.

Quality resveratrol and lithothamnion calcareum, not the cheap stuff, are hard to come by.

If NATURAL relief is what you need right now...
The purest, most potent, natural bone-building solution to rebuild your bones by increasing the osteoblasts and putting plant-based calcium into your bones.

It consists of Veri-Te™ resveratrol, calcium and magnesium from organic lithothamnion calcareum, boron, vitamin D3 from Lichen, vitamin K2 from Menaquione-7, and BioPerine™.

And I’ll Share With You Why We Couldn’t Resist Adding Boron, Vitamin D3, and Vitamin K2 To Our Formula
Boron has been found to reduce urinary calcium loss and increase levels of activated estrogen, which in turn, improves calcium absorption.

Lead researchers now consider boron important for the utilization and metabolism of calcium and vitamin D, as well as for overall hormonal balance.

Vitamin D3 helps with the absorption of calcium in your intestines into your bloodstream by a factor of 20 times.

Vitamin K2 helps to direct the calcium to accumulate in your bones and teeth, and NOT in your kidneys and blood vessels, contributing to a healthy heart, bones, and immune system.

And finally, we also added BioPerine™, a patented black pepper extract that is proven to UPGRADE resveratrol’s power and absorbability by a staggering 200%!
But You Don’t Have To Take My Word For It
Here’s what some of our customers have to say after taking Osteo Alive.

Now, keep in mind, these are folks who have tried many different calcium supplements, and osteoporosis drugs like Forteo, Prolia, and Calcitonin, so they know what’s out there.

Here’s Derby from Michigan…
I have had painful knees for well over ten years. I’m 80 years old, so this is not a surprising or unusual condition. I considered, and was worked up for, knee-replacement surgery.

The osteopathic surgeon informed me the cartilage in my knees had deteriorated to bone-on-bone. Treatments with two types of injections were only very briefly helpful in controlling pain.

I put off surgery over and over again. Almost four weeks ago, I began taking Osteo Alive at the recommended dosage.

Within two days, my knees were remarkably improved. I could go up and down the stairs without wincing and gritting my teeth.

I am not completely pain-free, and of course, I cannot get down on my knees. But I get around much, much better and work in the garden much, much harder which is a good thing because it’s spring. I finally can sit and stand by myself, no more relying heavily on nearby tables and chairs to get myself standing, and no more moaning and groaning. Thank you!

And here’s Ellen from Missouri...
In August 2016, my doctor told me I had advanced osteoporosis. When I researched the medicine he wanted to give me, it really scared me - all the side effects were so awful.

I did some more study and started taking this Osteo Alive. I quit taking Forteo and took 2 capsules of Osteo Alive every day. Last week, 9 months later, my doctor did a scan and was so surprised. He said my severe osteoporosis had been reversed and I was only in osteopenia! Amazing!

And here’s Lynne from Georgia...
After hearing about how a lot of calcium supplements are crap, and how your body doesn’t really absorb anything from them, I was NOT enthusiastic on spending good money on calcium supplements. But I was diagnosed with osteoporosis, and I knew that there was no way my daily diet was enough for my condition. So I decided to give Osteo Alive a try.

When I ran out of the supplement, I forgotten to order more, and thought I’d take advantage of a brief break from Osteo Alive, vowing to eat more yogurt in the meantime. After 2 days of not taking Osteo Alive, I started waking up from insanely painful charlie horses, which are generally caused by a lack of calcium and magnesium.

I’ll be diligently keeping track of the number of capsules left because I will never want to be without Osteo Alive. Thank you for coming up with this formula!
Isn’t This Amazing?
Osteo Alive and the results speak for themselves.

We receive letters like these every single day from people who have had their osteopenia or osteoporosis eliminated by these incredible healing nutrients.
What Makes Osteo Alive So Powerful?

We carefully choose the highest quality ingredients with the highest potency.

Like I mentioned earlier, Veri-te™ Resveratrol and calcium have to be sourced from specific sources or suppliers.

With weaker ingredients, you end up spending more or risk storing calcium in the wrong parts of your body.


Osteo Alive is gluten-free, soy-free and lactose-free.


Now, THIS is very important.

Many companies use fillers in their capsules that may contain gluten, soy, or lactose, which can upset your stomach and increase calcium loss in your bones…

This brings me to the next criteria for the ideal bone health solution.


We used the exact dosage that is recommended in scientific studies and research.

This is very important because without the right dosage of ingredients, it will not be powerful enough to build your bones.

Osteo Alive is backed up by clinical studies with the same dosage so that your bones get the optimal support it needs.

Osteo Alive is the only bone formula on the market to meet these 3 strict qualifications.

And that’s why so many doctors and nutrition specialists recommend Osteo Alive to their patients.
Now, I’m Sure You Can See Why We Will Be Pricing Osteo Alive At The Higher End Of The Market
The patented Veri-Te™ resveratrol, calcium and magnesium from Lithothamnion calcareum, boron, Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, and BioPerine™ used…

Require a high investment to maintain this standard of quality.

But we were concerned about how many people would NOT be able to afford Osteo Alive if we priced it at a premium.

We want to make this affordable to everyone who needs it.

So we put our heads together here at Holistic Health Labs and came up with a possible solution to push the manufacturing costs down.

And to do that, I would like to ask for a small favor…

We want to hear from you.

We want to hear how your life has been transformed.

How you no longer worry about your bones becoming brittle or the potential fractures or the pain due to a fall.

How you can finally tolerate walking down a flight of stairs, getting up from the lawn chair, bending over to pet the dog, and enjoying a good night’s sleep without almost ANY pain.

And how every time you get down from your bed, or stand up from your couch, you no longer have to wince in pain like before when your bones were hurting so bad every slight movement feels like terrible “electrical-type” pain shooting down in your hands or legs…

All these will be a thing of the past.

And that’s why we want to hear your experience.

For a limited time, we’re going to let you ‘test drive’ Osteo Alive absolutely risk-FREE…

… at a ridiculously low price. Even though the company has set the regular price of $89.97 for a 30-days supply…

Which is an absolute steal for what it can do to rebuild your bones from within.

Now because you are watching this video, you can get your first bottle at our introductory, grand opening price of just $39.97.

Yes, it’s only $39.97 for a bottle of Osteo Alive…

That’s $50 off the regular price. And it gets as low as $29.97 per bottle if you order a 6 months supply.

And of course, there’s our 30 days ZERO-RISK money back guarantee.

We are so confident how our Osteo Alive will work for you that we are willing to let you try out 1 bottle of Osteo Alive for 30 days!

… and if after taking Osteo Alive, you don’t see dramatic improvements in your bone strength, or your DEXA scan does not show an increase in bone density, just send back the unused portion for a fast and full refund.

Even when you purchase our 6 bottles package, you can still return the 5 unopened bottles for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

That’s how much we stand behind our product.

Here’s the best part…

When you purchase any of our packages today, you’ll be able to lock in this low price FOREVER.

Even when the price goes up to $89.97 after today’s special, you will STILL be able to re-order at $39.97.

So once you have selected your package below,

You Will Be Taken To Our Page That Looks Like This:

Just fill in your details, and your first order of Osteo Alive will be shipped out within 24-48 hours.

Now, if that isn’t enough to encourage you to take action…

In addition to getting the best bone formula available today…

I want to make sure you get the most out of your new order of Osteo Alive.
That’s Why We Are Including These Special Bonuses For You

Usual Price:
With Osteo Alive:
The Bone Health Solution

I feel it’s important to help you truly understand how to tap into the latest clinical studies and medical research to strengthen your bones and all the natural ways to ensure a long, healthy, fracture-free golden years.

So that is why I’m including one of our publication ebooks, The Bone Health Solution, completely free.

With The Bone Health Solution, I will show you:

The serious risks of long-term use of osteoporosis medications.

The top 10 bone-destroying trigger foods and medications you might not be aware of.

You will learn how these foods impede your bone health,

Plus you will also discover the top 10 foods that will build strong bones.

Next, you will learn how to put together the best bone-building strategies specifically targeted to your condition.

And the simple, natural, and holistic ways you can prevent bone breakdown and allow your body to rebuild your bones.

And that’s just the beginning.

Usually, this important report sells for $37.

It is yours FREE when you order Osteo Alive today.

Now when you buy 3 bottles and above, you’ll also get our “Bone Appetite Yummy Recipes”, which is worth $37:

Usual Price:
With Osteo Alive:
Bonus #2
Bone Appetite Yummy Recipes

These recipes contain delicious bone-friendly ingredients specially designed by our team of nutritionists to support building stronger bones… Offering a safe and effective approach to conserve bone mass, improve calcium absorption, and accelerate bone-creating metabolism.

So take your pick from the options below and you’ll qualify for one of the bonuses.

But here’s a tip: if you choose the 6-bottle option below, you will only pay $29.97 per bottle and get over $70 worth of bonus reports!

And these bonuses are yours to keep even if you decide to return Osteo Alive.

But to enjoy these benefits, you must be willing to try… Just try Osteo Alive on a completely RISK-FREE basis.

So Click The Button Below to Order Now…
Select the Package that’s Right for You
So As It Stands, You Have 3 Choices Right Now
Option #1
You can take normal calcium supplements from rocks and risk having calcium deposited into your arteries and increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular diseases.

And continue to struggle from deteriorating bone health and the excruciating pain of having more bone fractures.

Option #2
Depend on Forteo, Prolia, Calcitonin, bisphosphonates, or other drugs in an attempt to increase your bone density and risk having crippling and long-term, debilitating side effects like bone cancer, jaw fractures, serious infections, and weaker bones.

Option #3
Try Osteo Alive. Try it for at least two weeks. The instructions are on the bottle. They are easy to follow. You can still use the tips I’ve given you earlier. They will just make things go much faster.

And if in the highly unlikely event, you’re NOT impressed, you have a FULL 30-Days to decide.

A lifetime of vibrant health awaits you.

So click on the link below now to

try Leptin Alive at the special introductory price, totally risk-free.
Select the Package that’s Right for You
Victoria took her chance and here’s her story...
Before I started taking Osteo Alive, my bone density showed my bones to be 10 years older than I am.

After 5 years of taking it, my bones are now younger than I am, and the DEXA scan was performed as I entered menopause. The best thing is it does not upset my stomach.

Here’s Susan from Virginia...
I am 71 years old and broke my shinbone 9 weeks before a trip to Italy. My doctor told me to cancel the trip.

I ordered Osteo Alive and followed the directions, and was strong enough to go and totally enjoyed our trip! I even racked up 10,000 steps everyday over the first week. I will never stop taking Osteo Alive, Thank you!

And here’s Patty from Colorado...
I am very happy with Osteo Alive. I started taking it after a stress fracture scare, and thought I was at a higher risk of osteoporosis. I came across this video and was fascinated by the science behind this supplement. Also, being vegan, I am picky about where the ingredients come from. I showed this to my nutritionist to make sure it was what I needed and he immediately approved it as he said the ingredients and dosage used were perfect. It is a little on the pricey side, but I would rather pay more than get a supplement that is filled with rocks.
This Is Your Moment
Select the Package that’s Right for You
Still Deciding? Read The Frequently Asked Questions Customers Had Asked Before Ordering Osteo Alive

Everyone’s body is unique so individual results may vary. While some customers started experiencing some results as early as 2 weeks, it can typically take up to 4 to 8 weeks for the nutrients to go directly to your bones.

This is why we recommend trying Osteo Alive for 30 days in order to enjoy the benefits.

However, within just the first few consumptions, most customers tend to experience:
✔ Feeling stronger and with more energy
✔ Lesser fractures
✔ Improvement in bone scans
✔ Faster healing

Simply take four (4) veggie capsules daily after a meal.

Yes, absolutely, and that is what is recommended.

When you take Osteo Alive long term, it ensures that your body is constantly building stronger bones.

Osteo Alive is manufactured in a GMP-certified, FDA-registered factory located in Georgia, USA. We employ high standards through strict tests and inspections at all stages of production. This ensures that our customers receive only top quality products.

From initial preparations, we partner with reputable suppliers to secure high quality raw ingredients. When our raw ingredients arrive, we do another round of testing on the ingredients for their purity and identity.

This ensures that Osteo Alive adheres to strict US standards and compliance requirements.

All prices shown are in United States Dollar (USD), but you can purchase outside the US as we also ship worldwide.

If you're using non-US currencies, the conversion will be done by your bank or payment provider and they will advise in your currency.

We will ship your order directly to your home or office using USPS priority mail if you are based in the United States, and you will have it within 3 to 6 business days.

We have both the ONE Time Purchase and the subscription purchase. If you choose the ONE Time purchase, you won’t be charged again in the subsequent months. There will not be any automatic recurring billing. You will only get shipped what you order today and nothing more.

It is only when you choose a subscription, then we will automatically ship out the products to you. You can cancel anytime by email ([email protected]), call (INSERT TEL CODE), or live chat with our customer support team.

Absolutely. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server, so you are protected the same way as if you were ordering from any other trusted websites.

We are unable to guarantee today’s pricing beyond today. Once we get enough testimonials and reviews, we will most likely increase the price.

Osteo Alive was created to work. If for any reason at all, you are unsatisfied with your Osteo Alive purchase, just let us know, and we will refund even the empty bottles without question. You’re always protected by our industry best 30 day Money Back Guarantee.

OK, those are all of the frequently asked questions. If you have anymore when you start using Osteo Alive, you have our Customer Service email at [email protected] or call us at 312 324 0024 between 10 am - 10 pm Eastern Time. We will be happy to answer any question that comes up.

So again, if you haven’t done so already, place your order right now and start the road to feeling great again.